Virtual Cookie Date


Some of my favorite bloggers, like Jenna and Gina, have been putting together the best posts where they share little bits of their life. Jenna calls it her virtual coffee date, Gina talks about having a virtual wine date. Perhaps we can sit down and eat a cookie together and talk about life lately?

Life is good lately. Like so good I can hardly believe that the life I’m living is mine to enjoy. But my heart has been with those who are struggling. There have been times in the last couple years where life was anything but good. It was beyond hard and I felt like every day we were existing rather than thriving, and it was so hard to trust in God’s plan. During those times, I remember reading blogs that were raw and honest and it gave me comfort to know that I wasn’t alone. If you’re walking through the valley in this season of life, take heart! Know that God’s plan is perfect. His path for our lives isn’t always clear to us, but he truly does work through all things for the good of those who love him. My heart is with you.

On a lighter note, I’ve been seeking inspiration. It’s been a long time since I refreshed the list of blogs I read daily, and I’m in desperate need of some help from you all! Do you have any blogs that you have recently discovered that are beautiful, uplifting, inspiring? They don’t have to be food blogs necessarily (some of my favorite blogs are lifestyle blogs) they just need to be a breath of fresh air. Maybe they are even “big blogs” that you have heard of but I haven’t. Share them in the comments below, pretty please!

My dad, step-mom and little sisters are coming to visit in a couple weeks! This will be the first time that they will see our house in Minnesota so Joe and I are working hard to get our lawn and outdoor space in fighting shape. We had a landscape architect come to put together a plan for our backyard last week, too. We currently have plenty of yard but no patio/deck in the back to put our grill/table/chairs. We’re hoping to put a stamped concrete patio out back this summer. Exciting? Yes! But how in the world is concrete so expensive?!

I’m also incredibly thankful for all you who read Espresso and Cream. My blog isn’t a big blog, it’s very modest at best. And I’m starting to realize it may always stay this little space on the internet and may never grow into anything more. But each comment, e-mail and conversation I have with one of you just makes my day. Thanks for taking a few moments out of your day to read and interact. I love it so.

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