Free Vintage Clipart: Retro Kitchen & Cooking Graphics

A few weeks ago I came across a charming little cookbook from the 1950s while browsing through a local thrift shop.   I love the style of the cheery green and red illustrations.  I can't wait to make some dish towels featuring these merry images and kitchen cliches.

Retro Apple Pie Graphic photo vintageretrokitchencookinggraphicsapplepie_zpsc06133ff.jpg

What projects will you cook up?

Apple Pie Without Cheese photo vintageretrokitchencookinggraphicsapplepiewithoutcheeseislikeakisswithoutasqueeze_zps08f4f0e6.jpg

Eat Vintage Graphic photo vintageretrokitchencookinggraphicseat_zps48f99731.jpg
Eat, Drink and Be Merry photo vintageretrokitchencookinggraphicsdrinkandbemerry_zps16ca397c.jpg

Too Many Cooks Retro Graphic photo vintageretrokitchencookinggraphicstoomanycooks_zps9da4bf47.jpg

Spoil the Sauce photo vintageretrokitchencookinggraphicsspoilthesauce_zpsca2114db.jpg
White Meat, White Wine photo vintageretrokitchencookinggraphicsmeatandwine_zps29c59219.jpg