Roast Turkey à la Provençale

Ingredients (for 4 to 6 persons)

-1 500 g Turkey roast

-1 tablespoon of olive oilDSC06023

-1/2 onion

-juice of a large box of peeled tomatoes

-2 Mediterranean vegetables bouillon cube

-salt, pepper

-2 tablespoons farigoulo

-1 tablespoon of cornstarch


(1) Make heat olive oil in a casserole, sauté the onion over high heat.

(2) Add the roast, browned on all sides before lower the heat. Lightly salt, pepper, add the farigoulo.

(3) Book a little juice of tomatoes peeled in a small bowl, then pour the rest, supplemented with vegetable broth cubes, in the pressure cooker.

(4) Cook on low heat for 30 minutes, basting regularly the roast with the peeled tomato juice.

(5) At the end of cooking, mix a tablespoon of cornstarch with cold tomato juice. Add all in the pot, and stir until the juice thickens and becomes a sauce.

(6) Serve hot.



A totally improvised recipe, where, in front of my pressure cooker, I said to myself: Hey, if I was putting like this, or that, it should be good...

Result: excellent! Turkey roast was super fluffy, hence the interest to sprinkle the meat quite often during cooking.


I served this Roast with my eggplants in the Parmesan, success, friends!

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