Espresso and Cream Eats


If you follow along with me on Instagram (madisonjanemayberry), then chances are you saw my photo yesterday of the food journal I’ve started keeping. Over the next 21 days (starting on Sunday) I am taking part in a program called the “Evolve 21 Day Yoga Cleanse” which is a program through our gym that is part cleanse and part yoga workshop. We will be meeting every Sunday for a combination of yoga class and group discussion and nutrition information. I love that I’ll be doing the cleanse with other people to provide support and encouragement. And I’m looking forward to going deeper into my yoga practice, too.

I’ve said in the past that I’m not a big fan of juice cleanses and things that are ultra calorie restrictive since I need food to a) be a kind and pleasant person and b) fuel my active lifestyle. And that is still very true. The thing that drew me to the program was the fact that it is absolutely not calorie restrictive. Although I’ll be limiting the types of food I eat for the next 21 days, I can still eat a lot of food, just as long as its healthy and falls within the program’s confines.

We have been encouraged to journal what we eat a week before the cleanse (normal eating patterns), during the cleanse and after, when we start to introduce foods into our diets that we cut out. Since I can hardly keep track of a piece of paper to save my life, I decided to document my eats and experiences online. But, since I know many of you have no interest in a yoga cleanse and just want tasty recipes, I’m going to keep the cleanse information limited on Espresso and Cream. For those of you who are interested in following along, you can visit Espresso and Cream Eats ( for daily updates and my complete food journal for the next month. It’s not beautiful or fancy by any means, just a basic journal format to keep things in one place.


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